Pizza on the shovel: 1 of Italy’s Beautiful Iconic Dishes
A soft and light version of one of Italy’s iconic dishes, loved around the world: Andrea’s pizza alla pala (Pizza on the shovel) is a pleasure for the eyes and the palate, a perfect recipe to enjoy at any time of the day.
The preferment must rest for 12 to 16 hours, so we recommend kneading it in the evening and keeping it in the fridge all night closed with a lid. The next day, leave it to dissolve for at least an hour outside the fridge and knead it by combining the flour, 50% of the water and the malt. Add the remaining water little by little: always wait for the dough to absorb it before adding more. When little water remains, add the salt and, continuing to knead, let it incorporate. As the last ingredient add the oil.
Let the dough rest for another 5 minutes and knead it (even several times) until it is smooth, forming a loaf. It would be ideal to close the dough at a temperature between 20 and 24 degrees. Place it in an oiled container covered with a wet cloth (it must not catch air and form a crust) and wait until the mass almost doubles.
Once ready, turn the dough out onto the work table and divide it into three parts.
For shaping, he prepares a bowl with the same quantity of “00” flour and semolina and places the dough on it. Take the outer edges, extending them and joining them in the center, move the dough onto the workbench and repeat the operation a couple of times. To finish, roll the dough on itself, closing all the edges well and leave it in a loose container with a lid or covered with a damp cloth, until it has more than doubled in size. Remove the dough from the container, tip it onto the table full of semolina and roll it out by applying pressure with your fingertips. Transfer the dough to the shovel, placing it first on the back of your hand to remove excess flour and then on the shovel.
Preheat the oven to maximum temperature and use the heating elements from the bottom and top. If you have an ILVE oven or cooking block, preheat the oven to 300 degrees in static mode with the refractory stone positioned on the first shelf or choose the Pizza function: making the best use of the three heating elements, it is ideal for this type of cooking.
Sprinkle with olive oil (if you want to fill later) or with tomato, slide the pizza from the peel to the refractory stone and keep it in the oven for 5/7 minutes, until your pizza begins to brown on the surface (make sure it is cooked on the bottom). Once out of the oven, place it on a rack so it doesn’t get moist at the bottom. If you want to store it, wait for it to cool before placing it in the freezer. Add tomato pulp, diced mozzarella and seasoning to taste, cooking it for another 10 minutes in a fan oven at 220 degrees.